eSOL Marketing Official Blog

国際学会「MPSoC 2022」にてイーソルCTOが講演、メニーコア/ヘテロジニアスマルチコアに最適なソフトウェアプラットフォームとは

2022/06/07 13:00:00

2022年6月19日(日)~ 24日(金)にフランス・メジェーヴで開催される国際学会「MPSoC 2022」で、イーソル 専務取締役 CTO 兼 ソフトウェア事業部 事業部長の権藤が講演します。



日時 2022年6月20日(月)14:30~15:00
タイトル The emergence of the new software platform, OS, and tools for heterogeneous multi-manycore computing
概要 It is clear that systems are becoming more intelligent and also more integrated/aggregated. The example ranges from self-driving cars, intelligent robotics, edge computing, and the list go on. From the semiconductor technology point of view, heterogeneous multi-manycore is an obvious choice but the challenge lies in leveraging its capability in software.Through years of efforts in researches, development, and industrial efforts, now a new commercial-grade software platform such as AUTOSAR Adaptive, an OS with a scalable architecture and tools are finally beginning to emerge. This talks will provide a holistic view of all these new developments that the speaker has been working on in recent years.
詳細 詳細はこちら(英語ページ)


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